

I'm kind of a failure... And back&butt thinspo!

I've gained all the weight back.
I don't fucking know how.
But believe me, I'm starting a new plan.
Breakfast- 100 calories worth of fruit (preferably an apple)
Lunch- A vegan salad, no dressing or fruits (as much as I damn well please, I'm not counting these calories)
Dinner- 200 calories worth of some shit.
And duh, at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. And every monday, I fast because that's just what I do.

Don't drink diet soda. The reason you have dimples on your ass? Diet sodas contain aspartame and PRESERVE YOUR FAT CELLS. Um. Kind of ruins the point of diet, huh?

Just beyond beautiful

1 comment:

  1. i tgink you should diet less and do more.exercise. if you diet , your muscles will become fats so instead of losing weight you will gain it back so i tgink both will work well together :) pls dont torture your body hope you can lose weight without harming your health :) maybe you can follow the lifestyles of kpop stars they do dance alot and theyre pretty skinny :)
