

101 Reasons Why I hate being FAT

I'm starting a new campaign on my blog.
101 Reasons why I hate being fat. It will probably end up being much more than 101, I might even do repeats. fuck if I care, if it's a repeat then it's probably pretty fucking important. For an indefinite amount of time, I will post blog entries about what I hate about being fat.
Hopefully it will motivate you and me to lose weight.


  1. Well, I just saw a blog posted by Ms. Chunky entitled "20 Reasons I hate being fat". What caught my attention the most was her third reason: Batwings, LOL. Her list was pretty hilarious, but it does make sense.

  2. i hate being fat because i will crush boys if i sit on their lap.
    if they see me naked they will be disgusted not turned on.
    and my legs are huge, no mater what i wear they are huge( specially skirts ) and gello like .
