

Fat fucking loser.

Well. I'll tell you who I am. I'm Meesh. aka. fat fucking loser.
I'm on ana boot camp. failing miserably. For the past two days (my third and fourth days on the diet) I've been eating... around 3000 calories each. Dios mio.
So I'm going to fast for a week to make up for it. It doesn't make up for it at all, but I'll feel a bit better about it, I suppose.

So... For 7 days, I eat nothing at all. Erm. I can allow myself up to 50 calories each day. Okay, that's better.
woo. well. this is going to be a challenge, since my longest fast was, well, one day. So if anyone is out there reading this, please support me!

I need an ana buddy to have contests with, so contact moi.

I'm fucking disgusting.

1 comment:

  1. Hell no I'm not going to support you. I am going to help you by telling you not to do it! The best way to loose weight is to exersize and eat little healthy food! :)
